Common Questions

If you have a question about Red Ruff Inn, have a look below. Feel free to message us if your question isn’t answered below!

What is the normal routine for my dog?

We offer daycare along with boarding so your pup will spend most of the day playing outside in supervised groups and then has his/her own suite indoors for naptime and bedtime.

What do the dogs do during inclement weather?

We have 6,000 square feet of indoor play areas

Can my dogs stay together?

We always keep families together unless you give us specific instructions not to.

How do I find out about upcoming specials and events?

You can follow us on Facebook since it’s our most useful tool to keep you in the loop.

Do you board cats?

 We do! Our kitty condos allow each cat to have their own space where they can climb around. Then one family at a time has the whole kitty room to themselves to climb on the activity wall, hang in the hammocks or climb on our cat tree.

What other services do you offer?

 Our retail corner, specially stocked with birthday goodies, Bathing, nail trimming & filing, deshed treatments, & laundry for overnight guests.

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